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Daniel Larimer received a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2003. He is a visionary software engineer and serial entrepreneur who is focused in the areas of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, decentralized exchanges, economic systems and freedom.
Daniel Larimer was born in Colorado and spent his formative years in Florida and Virginia. He received a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2003.<ref name="no1">[http://bytemaster.github.io/about/ Daniel Larimer - A Passion for Freedom via Decentralization] Article published in '''yBitcoin''' and reproduced in [[Bytemaster's Blog]] "About" section. Retrieved in July 21, 2017</ref> He is a visionary software engineer and serial entrepreneur who is focused in the areas of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, decentralized exchanges, economic systems and freedom.
Dan Larimer is the co-founder of [[Steemit, Inc]] and its CTO until march 2017. He's also the CEO of Cryptonomex, Inc. which is a blockchain technology consulting company. He also founded BitShares and Invictus Innocations. He originated the idea of the "decentralized autonomous company" or DAC.
Dan Larimer is the co-founder of [[Steemit, Inc]] and its CTO until march 2017. He's also the CEO of [[Cryptonomex, Inc]]. which is a blockchain technology consulting company. He also founded [[Bitshares]] and Invictus Innocations. He originated the idea of the "decentralized autonomous company" or DAC. In June 2016 Dan Larimer in his [[Steemit]] [https://steemit.com/crypto-news/@dan/is-the-dao-going-to-be-doa biog] told that over the past three years he have worked with the [[Bitshares]] community to implement the worlds first [[Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)]] based upon many of the same principles as [[Ethereum]]'s The DAO. Money was raised, tokens were allocated, and token holders were given the ability to vote on how to spend community money and set blockchain parameters. <ref name="no2">[https://steemit.com/crypto-news/@dan/is-the-dao-going-to-be-doa Is The DAO going to be DOA?] Written by '''Dan Larimer''' and published in [[Steemit]] in June 2016</ref>
In 2009 he was attempting to engineer a digital currency when he discovered Bitcoin. He immediately got involved with Bitcoin and began communicating with Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto in a Bitcoin forum. At this time he was alarmed by the amount of centralized exchanges being arbitrarily shut down. He came to the conclusion that decentralized exchanges would become necessary. It was at this time he created BitShares and invented BitUSD which is the first trustless cryptocurrency pegged to the dollar. For over two years he innovated and fine-tuned blockchain technology to support a decentralized exchange. The resulting technology is called Graphene and is what powers BitShares and Steem.
Dan's stated mission in life is "to find free market solutions to secure life, liberty, and property for all."<ref name="no1"/> [[Jeff Berwick]], founder of [[The Dollar Vigilante]] and host of [[YouTube]] channel [[Anarchast]] heard from Dan that his goal is "engineer the economic incentives which make freedom and non-violence profitable". <ref name="no3#>[https://steemit.com/steem/@jeffberwick/steem-co-founder-dan-larimer-on-why-he-left-steem-and-his-new-potential-ethereum-killer-cryptocurrency-eos Steem Co-Founder Dan Larimer On Why He Left Steem & His New Potential Ethereum Killer Cryptocurrency EOS] Written by '''[[Jeff Berwick]]''' and published in [[Steemit]] in July 21st, 2017</ref>
Dan's stated mission in life is "to find free market solutions to secure life, liberty, and property for all.
===Virtual Reality and Air Vehicles Software===
In March, 15, 2017, Dan resigned [[Steemit, Inc]] with a post - [https://steemit.com/steem/@dan/today-i-submitted-my-resignation-to-steemit-inc Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc] - published in his [[Steemit]] account.
Having learned computer programming from his father when still in elementary school, he turned an almost in-born techy/entrepreneurial bent into a business venture fresh out of college, when he joined a handful of buddies to launch a virtual reality company.
(This entry is still being created)
In a interview to yBitcoin reproduced in his [[Bytemaster's Blog]] "About" section, Dan Larimer said: “We did well and made money every year, but we closed it down after five years and went on to other things,” he says. Some of those involved him writing code for unmanned ground and air vehicles, a field he later left when its military implications left him a touch uneasy.<ref name="no1"/>
===Standing for Ron Paul and talks with Satoshi Nakamoto===
The yBitcoin article said that all the while, Dan Larimer was pursuing nothing less than what he unabashedly calls “the pursuit of truth about everything - I’ve always wanted to know what’s going on in the world and how things work.” Encounters with the [[Ron Paul]] presidential campaigns stimulated an intellectual odyssey into the depths of libertarianism, a passion that informs his unique fusion of economics, innovation, politics and the common good.
"I believe whole-heartedly in voluntary associations and moving beyond a contract society where I’m going to get you to do X, Y or Z or I’ll get the government to point a gun at you,” he says. “Contracts always come down to government force. All that just drives costs and misery up. I want to do business on a handshake and make reputation primary, because if your reputation is damaged it’s the worst thing that can happen, and your business suffers. It’s never about coercion, but about the Golden Rule with a slight twist: ‘Don’t do unto others as you don’t want them to do unto you.’”
Dan points out that [[Bitcoin]] operates on basically the same premise, where, he says, “No one delivers anything by fiat.”
True to the Internet age, he discovered [[Bitcoin]] when pondering the intellectual knots attendant to decentralization of the financial sector. So he Googled “decentral- ized currency,” and up popped the name “[[Satoshi Nakamoto]],” the pseudonym for the developer of Bitcoin, whom he soon began regularly communicating with before developing his own twist on Nakamoto’s blockchain technology in the form of [[Bitshares|BitShares]].<ref name="no1"/>
===The creation of BitShares===
In 2009 he was attempting to engineer a digital currency when he discovered Bitcoin. He immediately got involved with Bitcoin and began communicating with Bitcoin creator, [[Satoshi Nakamoto]] in a Bitcoin forum. At this time he was alarmed by the amount of centralized exchanges being arbitrarily shut down. He came to the conclusion that decentralized exchanges would become necessary. It was at this time he created [[Bitshares|BitShares]] and invented BitUSD which is the first trustless cryptocurrency pegged to the dollar.
In a interview to yBitcoin reproduced in his [[Bytemaster's Blog]] "About" section, Dan Larimer said:  “I was trying to figure out how to create a decentralized bank,” so I had an idea and put out a bounty on the Internet, for which I’d pay $1,000 to anyone who could convince me not to put my life savings into it. No one really could, but I paid it anyway, because there had been a lot of good questions raised. Then a few days later, I solved why my idea wouldn’t work! I was really sad, but then on June 2, 2013 -I remember the day- it came to me. I discovered the key that led to one of the BitShares businesses we’re building called BitShares -a decentralized exchange that combines the benefits of Bitcoin with the price stability of the dollar. That has continued to lead to more exciting uses of our technology.“
The same concept was applied to [[Steem Dollar (SBD)]]. For over two years he innovated and fine-tuned blockchain technology to support a decentralized exchange. The resulting technology is called [[Graphene]] and is what powers [[Bitshares]] and [[Steem]].
===The creation of Steem===
If [[Bitshares]] was created to solve the issue of decentralized exchanges, [[Steem]] and [[Steemit]] are based on a combination of social networking and few concepts of mutual aid society. Before creating the Steemit, Dan mentioned the concept of a 'social network of mutual aid societies' as MUXER in his blog [http://bytemaster.github.io/update/2015/12/31/Mutual-Aid-Society/ Mutual Aid Society] (published in December 31st, 2015).<ref name="no7">[http://bytemaster.github.io/update/2015/12/31/Mutual-Aid-Society/ Mutual Aid Society] Written by '''Dan Larimer''' and published in Bytemaster's Blog in December 31st, 2015</ref>
In March, 15, 2017, Dan resigned [[Steemit, Inc]] with a post - [https://steemit.com/steem/@dan/today-i-submitted-my-resignation-to-steemit-inc Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc] - published in his [[Steemit]] account.<ref name="no8">[https://steemit.com/steem/@dan/today-i-submitted-my-resignation-to-steemit-inc Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc] Written by '''Dan Larimer''' and published in [[Steemit]] in March 15, 2017</ref>
===The creation of EOS===
Dan Larimer is currently the CTO of [[EOS]], the blockchain operating system for commercial scale decentralized applications. It promises to have the capability to process millions of transactions per second through horizontal scaling. It has it's own constitution, the first of any [[Blockchain]].
===An Austrian Economist and Open Source advocate===
In January 4th, 2015, Dan wrote a blog post explaining his position about economy theories: [https://bytemaster.github.io/article/2015/01/04/Why-I-am-an-Austrian-Economist/ Why I am an Austrian Economist - Take 1]. The blog and principles of Austrian economic were criticized by many, along with [[Vitalik Buterin]], one of the [[Ethereum]]'s founders. Vitalik responded with a paper wrote by Bryan Caplan of George Mason university titled “[http://econfaculty.gmu.edu/bcaplan/whyaust.htm Why I am not an Austrian Economist]”. Caplan began as an Austrain economist and then switched after 8 years and a Ph.D in economics from Princeton.<ref name="no4">[https://bytemaster.github.io/article/2015/01/04/Why-I-am-an-Austrian-Economist/ Why I am an Austrian Economist - Take 1] Written by '''Dan Larimer''' and published in [[Bytemaster's Blog]] in January 4th, 2015</ref>
Dan presented a sound argument in favour of Austrian economics, he wrote: "I am a very principled individual and am not easily impressed with fancy math. I like the Austrian approach to economics because it is an approach based upon principles and deductive/inductive reasoning." After two days, due to solid critique from [[Bitshares]] Talk forum folks he wrote another post ‘[https://bytemaster.github.io/article/2015/01/06/Why-I-am-an-Austrian-Economist-Take-2/ Why I am an Austrian Economist]’. There he reinforced: "I am an Austrian economist because it is the only theory of economics that is compatible with my mission to find free market solutions to secure the life, liberty, and property of all."<ref name="no5">[https://bytemaster.github.io/article/2015/01/06/Why-I-am-an-Austrian-Economist-Take-2/ Why I am an Austrian Economist] Written by '''Dan Larimer''' and published in [[Bytemaster's Blog]] in January 6th, 2015</ref>
In July 3rd, 2017, the [[Steemian|steemian]] Mohit S. ([https://steemit.com/steemit/@mohit18jan/the-wizard-behind-bitshares-steem-and-eos-how-dan-larimer-is-shaping-our-future @mohit18jan]), after reading a lot of articles on [https://bytemaster.github.io/ Dan's blog] to understand his personality and to have a glimpse in to his world, confessed being  infected by the cult of Dan Larimer and defined him as a perfect mix of an economist and a programmer.<ref name="no6">[https://steemit.com/steemit/@mohit18jan/the-wizard-behind-bitshares-steem-and-eos-how-dan-larimer-is-shaping-our-future The Wizard behind Bitshares, Steem & EOS - How Dan Larimer is shaping our future] Written by '''Mohit S.''' and published in [[Steemit]] in July 3rd, 2017</ref>
In March 15, 2017 the [[Steemian|steemian]] [https://steemit.com/@demotruk @demotruk] proposed a Petition to Demand Steem be made fully Open Source.<ref>[https://steemit.com/steem/@demotruk/petition-to-demand-steem-be-made-open-source Petition to Demand Steem be made fully Open Source] Written by '''@demotruk''' on [[Steemit]] in March 15, 2017</ref> In that month, in the same day of his resignation as [[Steemit, Inc]] Chief Technology Officer, [[Dan Larimer]] published the post - [https://steemit.com/steem/@dantheman/making-steem-really-open-source Making Steem really open source] (deleted - see comments)<ref>[https://steemit.com/steem/@dantheman/making-steem-really-open-source Making Steem really open source] Written by '''[[Dan Larimer]]''' ([https://steemit.com/@dantheman @dantheman]) on [[Steemit]] (deleted - see comments) in March 15, 2017</ref> - where he mentioned the Against Intellectual Monopoly study pulished in 2007 by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine which statement says: “In fact intellectual property is not like ordinary property at all, but constitutes a government grant of a costly and dangerous private monopoly over ideas. We show through theory and example that intellectual monopoly is not necessary for innovation and as a practical matter is damaging to growth, prosperity and liberty”.<ref>[http://levine.sscnet.ucla.edu/general/intellectual/againstnew.htm Against Intellectual Monopoly] Written by '''Michele Boldrin''' and '''David K. Levine''' on UCLA Economic and Game Theory website, published in January 22, 2007</ref> Few months later, in May 19, other [[Steemian|steemian]] Aggroed published an amazed post celebrating that [[Steemit, Inc]] adopted the [[MIT copyright license]] like [[Bitcoin]].<ref>[https://steemit.com/steemit/@aggroed/staas-steemit-as-a-service Staas- Steemit as a Service] Written by '''Aggroed''' ([https://steemit.com/@aggroed @aggroed] on [[Steemit]] in May 19, 2017</ref>
== References ==
<references />
* '''Linkedin''' : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-larimer-0a367089
* '''Bytemaster's Blog''' : http://bytemaster.github.io/
* '''Bytemaster's Blog''' : http://bytemaster.github.io/
* '''@dantheman''' : https://steemit.com/@dantheman
* '''Bytemaster's Blog on [[Medium]]''' : https://medium.com/@bytemaster ''Since January 2016, 725 followers on March 23, 2018''
* '''@dan''' : https://steemit.com/@dan
* '''@dantheman''' : https://steemit.com/@dantheman ''Since March 2016, 12957 followers on March 23, 2018''
* '''@dantheman''' : [https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@dantheman/daniel-larimer--co-founder-of-bitshares-steemit Daniel Larimer - Co-Founder of BitShares & Steemit (#introduceyourself)]. June 2016
* '''@dan''' : https://steemit.com/@dan ''Since March 2016, 13462 followers on March 23, 2018''
* '''@dan''' : [https://steemit.com/steem/@dan/today-i-submitted-my-resignation-to-steemit-inc Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc]. March 2017
* '''[[Linkedin]]''' : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-larimer-0a367089 ''224 connections on March 23, 2018''
* '''@dantheman''' : [https://steemit.com/steem/@dantheman/making-steem-really-open-source Making Steem really open source (deleted - see comments)]. March 2017
* '''@dantheman''' : [https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@dantheman/daniel-larimer--co-founder-of-bitshares-steemit Daniel Larimer - Co-Founder of BitShares & Steemit (#introduceyourself)]. ''June 2016''
* '''@etherqueen''' : [https://steemit.com/bitshares/@etherqueen/bitshares-the-musical--starring-dan-larimer Bitshares The Musical - Starring Dan Larimer]. June 2016
* '''@dan''' : [https://steemit.com/steem/@dan/today-i-submitted-my-resignation-to-steemit-inc Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc (hidden due to [[Flag|flags]], click show)]. ''March 15, 2017''
* '''@joseph''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@joseph/tone-vays-debates-ned-scott-and-dan-larimer-about-steemit Tone Vays Debates Ned Scott And Dan Larimer About Steemit]. December 2016
* '''@dantheman''' : [https://steemit.com/steem/@dantheman/making-steem-really-open-source Making Steem really open source (deleted - see comments)]. ''March 15, 2017''
* '''@stellabelle''' : [https://steemit.com/dan/@stellabelle/have-you-ever-wondered-why-steemit-wasn-t-built-on-ethereum Have You Ever Wondered Why Steemit Wasn't Built On Ethereum?] February 2017
* '''@etherqueen''' : [https://steemit.com/bitshares/@etherqueen/bitshares-the-musical--starring-dan-larimer Bitshares The Musical - Starring Dan Larimer]. ''June 2016''
* '''@oaldamster''' : [https://steemit.com/visionary/@oaldamster/the-burden-of-a-visionary The burden of a visionary]. March 2017
* '''@joseph''' : [https://steemit.com/steem/@joseph/the-history-of-steem-steemit-launch-in-the-words-of-dan-larimer-from-the-early-launch-days The History of Steem/Steemit Launch in the Words of @dan Larimer from the early Launch Days.] ''August 2016''
* '''@stephenkendal''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@stephenkendal/steemit-lead-developer-dan-larimer-leaves-as-steem-market-cap-declines-to-usd18-8-million Steemit Lead Developer, Dan Larimer, Leaves as Steem Market Cap Declines to $18.8 Million..!!]. March 2017
* '''@joseph''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@joseph/tone-vays-debates-ned-scott-and-dan-larimer-about-steemit Tone Vays Debates Ned Scott And Dan Larimer About Steemit]. ''December 2016''
* '''@ned''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@ned/my-announcement-march-15-2017 My Announcement March 15 2017]. March 2017
* '''@stellabelle''' : [https://steemit.com/dan/@stellabelle/have-you-ever-wondered-why-steemit-wasn-t-built-on-ethereum Have You Ever Wondered Why Steemit Wasn't Built On Ethereum?] ''February 2017''
* '''@teamsteem''' : [https://steemit.com/liberty/@teamsteem/thank-you-dan-larimer-you-are-a-great-mentor Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor!] March 2017
* '''@oaldamster''' : [https://steemit.com/visionary/@oaldamster/the-burden-of-a-visionary The burden of a visionary]. ''March 2017''
* '''@steempower''' : [https://steemit.com/blocktalk/@steempower/dan-larimer-interview-with-alex-sterk-from-blocktalk Dan Larimer interview with Alex Sterk from Blocktalk]. May 2017
* '''@stephenkendal''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@stephenkendal/steemit-lead-developer-dan-larimer-leaves-as-steem-market-cap-declines-to-usd18-8-million Steemit Lead Developer, Dan Larimer, Leaves as Steem Market Cap Declines to $18.8 Million..!!]. ''March 2017''
* '''@kus-knee''' : [https://steemit.com/promotion/@kus-knee/the-old-dog-presents-my-gift-to-the-community-a-transcript-of-dan-s-awesome-interview-where-he-lauds-steem The Old Dog Presents: My Gift to The Community. A Transcript of Dan's Awesome Interview Where He Lauds Steemit!] May 11th, 2017
* '''@ned''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@ned/my-announcement-march-15-2017 My Announcement March 15 2017]. ''March 2017''
* '''@kus-knee''' : [https://steemit.com/steemgigs/@kus-knee/the-old-dog-presents-my-latest-completed-steemgig-as-a-gift-to-our-community-the-edited-dan-larimer-steemit-video The Old Dog Presents: My Latest Completed Steemgig as a Gift To Our Community. The Edited Dan Larimer Steemit Video]. May 15th, 2017
* '''@teamsteem''' : [https://steemit.com/liberty/@teamsteem/thank-you-dan-larimer-you-are-a-great-mentor Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor!] ''March 2017''
* '''@steempower''' : [https://steemit.com/blocktalk/@steempower/dan-larimer-interview-with-alex-sterk-from-blocktalk Dan Larimer interview with Alex Sterk from Blocktalk]. ''May 2017''
* '''@kus-knee''' : [https://steemit.com/promotion/@kus-knee/the-old-dog-presents-my-gift-to-the-community-a-transcript-of-dan-s-awesome-interview-where-he-lauds-steem The Old Dog Presents: My Gift to The Community. A Transcript of Dan's Awesome Interview Where He Lauds Steemit!] ''May 11, 2017''
* '''@kus-knee''' : [https://steemit.com/steemgigs/@kus-knee/the-old-dog-presents-my-latest-completed-steemgig-as-a-gift-to-our-community-the-edited-dan-larimer-steemit-video The Old Dog Presents: My Latest Completed Steemgig as a Gift To Our Community. The Edited Dan Larimer Steemit Video]. ''May 15, 2017''
* '''@stellabelle''' : [https://steemit.com/danlarimer/@stellabelle/dan-larimer-visionary-programmer-of-bitshares-steem-and-eos DAN LARIMER: Visionary Programmer of BitShares, Steem and EOS]. ''June 11, 2017''
* '''@lovejoy''' : [https://steemit.com/interview/@lovejoy/interview-dan-larimer-a-prescient-retrospective-part-1-of-3 (Interview) Dan Larimer - A Prescient Retrospective - Part 1 of 3]. ''July 9, 2017''
* '''@teamsteem''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@teamsteem/steeming-never-felt-this-good Steeming Never Felt This Good!]. ''July 11, 2017''
* '''@barrydutton''' : [https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@barrydutton/dan-larimer-video-interview-on-epicenter-recently-this-is-a-must-watch-listen-an-in-depth-look-chat-about-his-past-crypto-life Dan Larimer Video Interview on EpiCenter recently!! This is a MUST WATCH /listen. An In-Depth look chat about his past, Crypto life, goals, etc. 73 mins.] ''August 31, 2017''
* '''@xeroc''' : [https://steemit.com/eosio/@xeroc/historical-facts-about-daniel-larimer-and-his-contributions-to-the-blockchain-industry Historical Facts about Daniel Larimer and his Contributions to the Blockchain Industry] ''September 4, 2017''
* '''@dollarvigilante''' : [https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@dollarvigilante/dan-larimer-on-the-future-of-eos-and-decentralized-applications Dan Larimer on the Future of EOS and Decentralized Applications] ''October 23, 2017''
* '''@joshsigurdson''' : [https://steemit.com/eos/@joshsigurdson/why-eos-is-the-future-of-cryptocurrency-creator-dan-larimer-explains Why EOS Is The FUTURE Of Cryptocurrency! - Creator @Dan Larimer Explains] ''December 21, 2017''
* '''@joshsigurdson''' : [https://steemit.com/steemit/@joshsigurdson/steemit-creator-dan-larimer-on-how-steemit-is-changing-social-media-forever Steemit Creator Dan Larimer on How Steemit Is Changing Social Media Forever] ''December 23, 2017''
* '''@ashe-oro''' : [https://steemit.com/anarchy/@ashe-oro/is-dan-actually-an-anarchist-are-eos-block-producers-no-better-than-banks Is @dan actually an anarchist? Are EOS Block Producers no better than Banks?] ''March 28, 2018''
* '''@teamsteem''' : [https://steemit.com/steem/@teamsteem/merci-pour-tout-dan-larimer Merci Pour Tout Dan Larimer!] ''April 12, 2018''
* '''@gravity-protocol''' : [https://steemit.com/blockchain/@gravity-protocol/a-deeper-look-into-dan-larimer-s-radio-analogy-to-explain-index-of-importance A Deeper Look Into Dan Larimer’s radio] ''April 25, 2018''
* '''@thecastle''' : [https://steemit.com/eos/@thecastle/dan-larimer-decentralized-blockchain-governance-decentralization-is-a-myth Dan Larimer - Decentralized Blockchain Governance "Decentralization is a myth"] ''June 20, 2018''
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==External links==
* '''Craig Grant''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSRQikJ_lfc Dan Larimer talks about STEEM blockchain and Steemit ] ''Edition of the video interview with Dan Larimer hosted by Alex Sterk. Edited (only parts about Steemit) by Craig Grant ([https://steemit.com/steem/@craig-grant/steem-power-explained-vests-voting-power-vote-weight-and-inflation-rate-staking-rewards @craig-grant]) and published in 5/17/2017''
* '''Everipedia''' : [https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/dan-larimer Dan Larimer] ''Retrieved in 10/14/2019''
* '''Blocktalk''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-X4faugNuI #blocktalk - Dan Larimer Bitshares] ''Video interview with Dan Larimer hosted by Alex Sterk. Published in 5/4/2017''
* '''BlockWorks Group [[YouTube]] Channel''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWN7SPP3ikA Dan Larimer: EOS & BitShares Creator on the Fall of the Dollar, Independence & Manipulated Markets] ''Video interview hosted by Charlie Shrem. Published in 9/8/2020''
* '''CryptoCoins.News''' : [https://www.cryptocoin.news/news/ethereum/dan-larimer-creator-of-the-fastest-blockchains-now-targeting-sub-second-latency-in-eos-2577/ Dan Larimer, Creator Of The Fastest Blockchains, Now Targeting Sub-second Latency In EOS] ''Written by Simon Cocking, published in 10/8/2017''
* '''Epicenter [[YouTube]] Channel''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eftctVXiFJQ #197 Dan Larimer: EOS - The Decentralized Operating System] ''Video interview with Dan Larimer hosted by Brian Fabian Crain, Sébastien Couture and Meher Roy. Published in 8/23/2017''
* '''Craig Grant''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSRQikJ_lfc Dan Larimer talks about STEEM blockchain and Steemit ] ''Edition of the video interview with Dan Larimer hosted by Alex Sterk. Edited (only parts about Steemit) by Craig Grant ([https://steemit.com/steem/@craig-grant/steem-power-explained-vests-voting-power-vote-weight-and-inflation-rate-staking-rewards @craig-grant]) and published in 5/18/2017''
* '''Blocktalk [[YouTube]] Channel''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-X4faugNuI #blocktalk - Dan Larimer Bitshares] ''Video interview with Dan Larimer hosted by Alex Sterk. Published in 5/4/2017''
* '''Razor Forex''' : [http://www.razor-forex.com/2017/03/steemit-lead-developer-dan-larimer.html Steemit Lead Developer, Dan Larimer, Leaves as Steem Market Cap Declines to $18.8 Million] ''Written by Steve Todorov Published in 3/15/2017''
* '''Razor Forex''' : [http://www.razor-forex.com/2017/03/steemit-lead-developer-dan-larimer.html Steemit Lead Developer, Dan Larimer, Leaves as Steem Market Cap Declines to $18.8 Million] ''Written by Steve Todorov Published in 3/15/2017''
* '''International Business Times''' : [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/blockchain-experts-discuss-fake-news-reputation-1603385 Blockchain experts discuss fake news and reputation] ''Written by Ian Allison. Published in 1/31/2017''
* '''International Business Times''' : [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/blockchain-experts-discuss-fake-news-reputation-1603385 Blockchain experts discuss fake news and reputation] ''Written by Ian Allison. Published in 1/31/2017''
* '''Liberty.me''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhqzPlHEt1Y&feature=youtu.be The Tatiana Show: Steemit Edition with Ned Scott, Dan Larimer, Brian Sovryn, and Ryan Singer] ''Video interview hosted by Tatiana Moroz. Published in 9/21/2016''
* '''Liberty.me [[YouTube]] Channel''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhqzPlHEt1Y&feature=youtu.be The Tatiana Show: Steemit Edition with Ned Scott, Dan Larimer, Brian Sovryn, and Ryan Singer] ''Video interview hosted by Tatiana Moroz. Published in 9/21/2016''
* '''TheAnarchast''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W0EYe23or4 How I made $15,000 in 12 Hours on Steemit, the New Blockchain Based Social Media Platform ] ''Video interview with Ned Scott and Dan Larimer hosted by Jeff Berwick. Published in 8/6/2016''
* '''TheAnarchast [[YouTube]] Channel''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W0EYe23or4 How I made $15,000 in 12 Hours on Steemit, the New Blockchain Based Social Media Platform] ''Video interview with Ned Scott and Dan Larimer hosted by Jeff Berwick. Published in 8/6/2016''
* '''Forbes''' : [http://www.forbes.com/sites/rogeraitken/2015/10/12/meet-cryptonomexs-dan-larimer-and-his-four-horsemen-of-crypto-economics/#7d295a9d483f Meet Cryptonomex's Dan Larimer And His 'Four Horsemen' Of Crypto-Economics]. ''Written by Roger Aitken. Published in 10/12/2015''
* '''Forbes''' : [http://www.forbes.com/sites/rogeraitken/2015/10/12/meet-cryptonomexs-dan-larimer-and-his-four-horsemen-of-crypto-economics/#7d295a9d483f Meet Cryptonomex's Dan Larimer And His 'Four Horsemen' Of Crypto-Economics]. ''Written by Roger Aitken. Published in 10/12/2015''
* '''CryptoCurrency Convention [[YouTube]] Channel''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mwmlJICyRA BitShares @ CryptoCurrency Convention NYC 4/9/14 - Dan Larimer] ''Video published in 4/18/2014''
* '''[[Bitshares]] [[YouTube]] Channel''' : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT9ICMfUDjk Daniel Larimer & Dr. Charles Evans] ''Video with a discussion between Dan Larimer and Charles Evans, who has more than a decade's experience teaching finance and economics. Published in 4/17/2014''
==In other languages==
* [[Bahasa Indonesia]] : [[Dan Larimer (id)]]
* [[日本語]] : [[Dan Larimer (jp)]]
* [[한국어]] : [[댄 라리머]] (kr)
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Latest revision as of 22:43, 13 September 2020


Daniel Larimer was born in Colorado and spent his formative years in Florida and Virginia. He received a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2003.[1] He is a visionary software engineer and serial entrepreneur who is focused in the areas of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, decentralized exchanges, economic systems and freedom.

Dan Larimer is the co-founder of Steemit, Inc and its CTO until march 2017. He's also the CEO of Cryptonomex, Inc. which is a blockchain technology consulting company. He also founded Bitshares and Invictus Innocations. He originated the idea of the "decentralized autonomous company" or DAC. In June 2016 Dan Larimer in his Steemit biog told that over the past three years he have worked with the Bitshares community to implement the worlds first Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) based upon many of the same principles as Ethereum's The DAO. Money was raised, tokens were allocated, and token holders were given the ability to vote on how to spend community money and set blockchain parameters. [2]

Dan's stated mission in life is "to find free market solutions to secure life, liberty, and property for all."[1] Jeff Berwick, founder of The Dollar Vigilante and host of YouTube channel Anarchast heard from Dan that his goal is "engineer the economic incentives which make freedom and non-violence profitable". [3]

Virtual Reality and Air Vehicles Software

Having learned computer programming from his father when still in elementary school, he turned an almost in-born techy/entrepreneurial bent into a business venture fresh out of college, when he joined a handful of buddies to launch a virtual reality company.

In a interview to yBitcoin reproduced in his Bytemaster's Blog "About" section, Dan Larimer said: “We did well and made money every year, but we closed it down after five years and went on to other things,” he says. Some of those involved him writing code for unmanned ground and air vehicles, a field he later left when its military implications left him a touch uneasy.[1]

Standing for Ron Paul and talks with Satoshi Nakamoto

The yBitcoin article said that all the while, Dan Larimer was pursuing nothing less than what he unabashedly calls “the pursuit of truth about everything - I’ve always wanted to know what’s going on in the world and how things work.” Encounters with the Ron Paul presidential campaigns stimulated an intellectual odyssey into the depths of libertarianism, a passion that informs his unique fusion of economics, innovation, politics and the common good.

"I believe whole-heartedly in voluntary associations and moving beyond a contract society where I’m going to get you to do X, Y or Z or I’ll get the government to point a gun at you,” he says. “Contracts always come down to government force. All that just drives costs and misery up. I want to do business on a handshake and make reputation primary, because if your reputation is damaged it’s the worst thing that can happen, and your business suffers. It’s never about coercion, but about the Golden Rule with a slight twist: ‘Don’t do unto others as you don’t want them to do unto you.’”

Dan points out that Bitcoin operates on basically the same premise, where, he says, “No one delivers anything by fiat.”

True to the Internet age, he discovered Bitcoin when pondering the intellectual knots attendant to decentralization of the financial sector. So he Googled “decentral- ized currency,” and up popped the name “Satoshi Nakamoto,” the pseudonym for the developer of Bitcoin, whom he soon began regularly communicating with before developing his own twist on Nakamoto’s blockchain technology in the form of BitShares.[1]

The creation of BitShares

In 2009 he was attempting to engineer a digital currency when he discovered Bitcoin. He immediately got involved with Bitcoin and began communicating with Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto in a Bitcoin forum. At this time he was alarmed by the amount of centralized exchanges being arbitrarily shut down. He came to the conclusion that decentralized exchanges would become necessary. It was at this time he created BitShares and invented BitUSD which is the first trustless cryptocurrency pegged to the dollar.

In a interview to yBitcoin reproduced in his Bytemaster's Blog "About" section, Dan Larimer said: “I was trying to figure out how to create a decentralized bank,” so I had an idea and put out a bounty on the Internet, for which I’d pay $1,000 to anyone who could convince me not to put my life savings into it. No one really could, but I paid it anyway, because there had been a lot of good questions raised. Then a few days later, I solved why my idea wouldn’t work! I was really sad, but then on June 2, 2013 -I remember the day- it came to me. I discovered the key that led to one of the BitShares businesses we’re building called BitShares -a decentralized exchange that combines the benefits of Bitcoin with the price stability of the dollar. That has continued to lead to more exciting uses of our technology.“

The same concept was applied to Steem Dollar (SBD). For over two years he innovated and fine-tuned blockchain technology to support a decentralized exchange. The resulting technology is called Graphene and is what powers Bitshares and Steem.

The creation of Steem

If Bitshares was created to solve the issue of decentralized exchanges, Steem and Steemit are based on a combination of social networking and few concepts of mutual aid society. Before creating the Steemit, Dan mentioned the concept of a 'social network of mutual aid societies' as MUXER in his blog Mutual Aid Society (published in December 31st, 2015).[4]

In March, 15, 2017, Dan resigned Steemit, Inc with a post - Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc - published in his Steemit account.[5]

The creation of EOS

Dan Larimer is currently the CTO of EOS, the blockchain operating system for commercial scale decentralized applications. It promises to have the capability to process millions of transactions per second through horizontal scaling. It has it's own constitution, the first of any Blockchain.

An Austrian Economist and Open Source advocate

In January 4th, 2015, Dan wrote a blog post explaining his position about economy theories: Why I am an Austrian Economist - Take 1. The blog and principles of Austrian economic were criticized by many, along with Vitalik Buterin, one of the Ethereum's founders. Vitalik responded with a paper wrote by Bryan Caplan of George Mason university titled “Why I am not an Austrian Economist”. Caplan began as an Austrain economist and then switched after 8 years and a Ph.D in economics from Princeton.[6]

Dan presented a sound argument in favour of Austrian economics, he wrote: "I am a very principled individual and am not easily impressed with fancy math. I like the Austrian approach to economics because it is an approach based upon principles and deductive/inductive reasoning." After two days, due to solid critique from Bitshares Talk forum folks he wrote another post ‘Why I am an Austrian Economist’. There he reinforced: "I am an Austrian economist because it is the only theory of economics that is compatible with my mission to find free market solutions to secure the life, liberty, and property of all."[7]

In July 3rd, 2017, the steemian Mohit S. (@mohit18jan), after reading a lot of articles on Dan's blog to understand his personality and to have a glimpse in to his world, confessed being infected by the cult of Dan Larimer and defined him as a perfect mix of an economist and a programmer.[8]

In March 15, 2017 the steemian @demotruk proposed a Petition to Demand Steem be made fully Open Source.[9] In that month, in the same day of his resignation as Steemit, Inc Chief Technology Officer, Dan Larimer published the post - Making Steem really open source (deleted - see comments)[10] - where he mentioned the Against Intellectual Monopoly study pulished in 2007 by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine which statement says: “In fact intellectual property is not like ordinary property at all, but constitutes a government grant of a costly and dangerous private monopoly over ideas. We show through theory and example that intellectual monopoly is not necessary for innovation and as a practical matter is damaging to growth, prosperity and liberty”.[11] Few months later, in May 19, other steemian Aggroed published an amazed post celebrating that Steemit, Inc adopted the MIT copyright license like Bitcoin.[12]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Daniel Larimer - A Passion for Freedom via Decentralization Article published in yBitcoin and reproduced in Bytemaster's Blog "About" section. Retrieved in July 21, 2017
  2. Jump up Is The DAO going to be DOA? Written by Dan Larimer and published in Steemit in June 2016
  3. Jump up Steem Co-Founder Dan Larimer On Why He Left Steem & His New Potential Ethereum Killer Cryptocurrency EOS Written by Jeff Berwick and published in Steemit in July 21st, 2017
  4. Jump up Mutual Aid Society Written by Dan Larimer and published in Bytemaster's Blog in December 31st, 2015
  5. Jump up Today I submitted my Resignation to Steemit, inc Written by Dan Larimer and published in Steemit in March 15, 2017
  6. Jump up Why I am an Austrian Economist - Take 1 Written by Dan Larimer and published in Bytemaster's Blog in January 4th, 2015
  7. Jump up Why I am an Austrian Economist Written by Dan Larimer and published in Bytemaster's Blog in January 6th, 2015
  8. Jump up The Wizard behind Bitshares, Steem & EOS - How Dan Larimer is shaping our future Written by Mohit S. and published in Steemit in July 3rd, 2017
  9. Jump up Petition to Demand Steem be made fully Open Source Written by @demotruk on Steemit in March 15, 2017
  10. Jump up Making Steem really open source Written by Dan Larimer (@dantheman) on Steemit (deleted - see comments) in March 15, 2017
  11. Jump up Against Intellectual Monopoly Written by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine on UCLA Economic and Game Theory website, published in January 22, 2007
  12. Jump up Staas- Steemit as a Service Written by Aggroed (@aggroed on Steemit in May 19, 2017


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